Language support - at least English option

I am not sure why, but I cannot even change the language of my profile here in this discourse instance.
Don’t you think that a little bit of English - at least in a sub-group would help with the potential international recognition of caninosloucos. Excluding everybody outside of Brazil might exclude valuable community input.

Hi Uli! Glad to see you here at the forum.

We are currently working to add the English language option to both the forum and the wiki. As soon as I have more news on this I will report back to you.

Hi @ulno, the forum should be all set to accept multiple languages for the user interface.

Just head to your profile clicking your initial in the upper right corner and the gear symbol. Then you can go to the Interface option on the left side menu and change the interface language, as seen in the screen below.

Changing the Interface to English this way, worked, thanks!